Gain a very detailed/thorough understanding of who you are, your core values, and what your “voice” is.

Take a good look at your personal happiness - are you where you want to be? Why or why not? What are strategies for getting you to where you want to be? How does this relate to attracting the right person? (Hint: Everything.)

Build a strategy to best present your personal brand.

Take the VIA Character Strengths Survey. We will use the results to help hone your approach. 

Diagnose your dating ills (eg., What’s your dating/married history? Why are you stuck? What’s holding you back? Why do you keep choosing the “wrong” guys/girls?)


Love, Amy is a full-service dating coach. We build an entire strategy, re-design your dating profile so that it actually sounds and looks like YOU, and then off I (we) go.


Really hone in on who you want to attract (NOT who you THINK you should be with).

Either in-person or on Zoom or FaceTime

Wardrobe Consulting (for apps and dates). 

Ongoing coaching over the four month period.

Pre- and post-date analysis.

I teach you the secrets to bantering online. Consider me your communication coach. I will help you determine who your best matches are and why and help you connect with them online.

Recommend the right dating apps right for you. Analyze your current dating app profiles, and rethink/ reorganize/ redo them (photos and written blurbs) to portray the most authentic, best version of YOU.


via email, text and phone